Planting a Tree ceremony
A wonderful way to symbolise the unity of the bride and groom and the journey of the future to come is by doing a Tree Planting ceremony . There are plenty ways to make this unique , so if you have this in mind , lets chat together and create your special ceremony .
Wording for the ceremony :
In a further symbol of their bond of unity, xxx and yyy will now take part in a unifying ritual of symbolic tree planting.
Let your relationship and your love for each other be like this tree you plant today. Let it grow tall and strong. Let it stand tall during the harsh winds and rains and storms, and come through unscathed. Like a tree, your marriage must be resilient. It must weather the challenges of daily life and the passage of time. And just like the tree you are planting, marriage requires constant nurturing and nourishment. xxxx and yyyy, would you please water the sapling?
Remember to nourish each other, with words of encouragement, trust, and love. This is needed on a daily basis so you each can grow and reach your fullest potential –just like this tree.